How to grow a larch tree (Larix decidua)

3 minute read
Larch tree in spring. Getty Images

European larch (Larix decidua) is a tall-growing conifer that is only suitable for large gardens and woodland planting. The larch is one of a very few types of deciduous conifer, which makes it look particularly handsome in spring when the new needles are bright green, and again in autumn when turning bright gold before falling. Many small cones are produced and often remain on the tree for a long period. The cones open to reveal seeds that are a popular food source for wildlife.

Larix decidua is native to the mountains of Central Europe and was introduced to Britain in the early 17th century. Its moderately fast growth has made it popular for forestry use with the resinous timber used to make fences, gates, garden furniture, sheds and garden buildings. However, because larches are affected by the disease Phytopthora ramorum, which affects a wide range of trees and shrubs, larch plantations have been cleared in the worst affected areas of the UK, notably in western regions.

How to grow larch

Plant larch tree in a wild or woodland garden where there is plenty of room for it to grow. Ideally plant in autumn and water during long dry spells for the first two years.

Identifying European larch

Larch autumn colour. Getty Images
Larch autumn colour. Getty Images

Slender needle-like leaves 2-4cm long are clustered along the branches. They are bright green when newly emerged in spring, maturing to mid-green, then eventually turning gold before falling in autumn. The small cones are green, pink and white when young, flat-topped and 3-4cm long. They are borne in profusion and mature to brown as the year advances, often remaining on the tree for months. Thick brownish-pink bark becomes deeply fissured as the tree matures.

Size, height and spread

Larch branches (Larix decidua). Getty Images
Larch branches (Larix decidua). Getty Images

Larch is moderately fast growing and can easily reach 30m in height with a spread of 5-8 metres.

Value to wildlife

Larch cones on the tree. Getty Images
Larch cones on the tree. Getty Images

Larch is a valuable tree for a range of wildlife. Cones provide food for seed-eating birds as well as mammals, particularly squirrels and mice. The deeply fissured bark provides shelter for many insects. Several species of moth caterpillars, such as the larch pug and bordered white moths, feed on the foliage.

Where to plant larch

Larch trees. Getty Images
Larch trees. Getty Images

Plant larch where there is plenty of space for it to develop into a large tree. Larch grows on a wide range of soils as long as the drainage is good. Avoid sites with soil prone to waterlogging and hot, dry situations.

How to plant larch

Ideally, buy and plant larch during the dormant season from November to March, as plants establish better when not in active growth. This is also the time when bare-root (field-grown) plants are available. These are cheaper than pot-grown plants and, without plastic pots, are better for the environment. If planting larger trees in windy sites, support with a short stake angled at 45ยบ. Mulch above the roots with chipped bark and water during dry periods of weather for the first year.

How to prune larch

Larch naturally develops a tree form and does not need pruning.

Pests and diseases

Several pests and diseases affect larches including larch canker and larch bark beetle. The disease Phytopthora ramorum is most serious as it also spreads to infect other tree species, notably oak. Symptoms include shedding of the needles, so the tree becomes sparse and looks unhealthy, and bleeding cankers that often develop on the main trunk. Affected trees should be destroyed.

Advice on buying larch

  • Larch is available from online nurseries and hedging specialists
  • Buying bare-root larches from November to March is the easiest way to buy online, as plants are relatively light, easy to package, and transport easily
  • Pot-grown larch is more costly

Where to buy larch


from BBC Gardeners World Magazine