Autumn has arrived, the vegetable harvest is at its height and the borders are full of late-flowering perennials. It’s the perfect time to enjoy this year’s crops and plan beautiful bulb displays for next spring. Many herbaceous perennials benefit from being divided over the next few weeks and tender plants can be propagated this month too.
In this collection of BBC Gardeners’ World clips, Monty plants garlic in the vegetable garden and prunes his summer-fruiting raspberries. He lifts and divides a large clump of crocosmia and shares his tips for the best daffodils to grow in containers.
More advice from Monty:
- September seed sowing with Monty
- September fruit and veg with Monty
- September wildlife gardening with Monty
Pruning raspberries in autumn
Now the raspberry harvest is over, it is time for Monty to prune his summer-fruiting canes. In this clip from BBC Gardeners’ World, he demonstrates how to cut back summer-fruiting raspberries and explains when autumn-fruiting varieties should be pruned.
Planting daffodil bulbs in pots
Monty shows how to plant daffodils in containers, choosing some of his favourite varieties such as Narcissus bulbocodium ‘Arctic Bells’ and N. ‘Pipit’.
Dividing crocosmia for more flowers
Crocosmia are best divided every four to five years. Monty shows how he lifts and divides a large clump of crocosmia in the border to keep it flowering at its best for the next few years.
Planting garlic in raised beds
With restricted space to grow crops in many of our gardens, planting two types of vegetable together, also known as intercropping, helps maximise the harvest. In this clip, Monty makes the most of his raised vegetable beds by planting garlic in between his spinach rows now that it has germinated.
from BBC Gardeners World Magazine https://ift.tt/xY5VuiS