Our favourite June plants

Cosmos bipinnatus Fizzy White Gaura Graceful Pink Achillea Credo

As summer finally arrives, there’s a wealth of plants bursting into beautiful blooms. For many gardeners, myself included, this is the month when my garden looks its best – with plenty of fresh flowers to enjoy and before the summer heat starts to take its toll on the plants.

Discover some of the best plants for the glorious month of June, below. Our choices include recommendations from the Gardeners’ World team and familiar faces from across the gardening industry.

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Foeniculum vulgare

Herb fennel has a strong aniseed flavor. The flowers are loved by insects and the seeds by birds

Chosen by Frances Tophill, Gardeners’ World presenter

This herb has it all; stature, flavor, aesthetic and ephemeral beauty in borders, and flowers that bring in the pollinators, especially hoverflies. The seeds of fennel are used in curry and the leaves with fish. I also use the flowers in a vase.

Leontopodium nivale

Edelweiss are a drought tolerant alpines that grows well in pots in a sunny spot

Chosen by Sue Kent, Gardeners’ World presenter

My daughter and I love the Sound of Music film, so when she married in the month of June, I grew edelweiss, not realizing their flowers would be understated and hairy! However, many guests liked them so much they ended up taking a pot home. I have cultivated them ever since.

Echium pininana

Echium pininana is a stunning biennial. In its second year, it sends up a huge spike of blue flowers

Toby Buckland, director of Toby’s Garden Festival

Echium pininana is my garden’s June highlight, when its gargantuan 15ft flower-spikes tower over the borders and buzz with bees by the thousand. It’s a ‘one-shot’, tender plant that dies after flowering, but not before it abundantly self-sows for flowers in summers to come.

Linaria ‘Fairy Bouquet’

A fast-growing, hardy annual. Lovely in pots and at the front of sunny borders

Chosen by Sinead Fenton, Aweside Farm manager

Their playful colors and petite form take me back to my childhood. To time spent reading stories and imagining magical miniature worlds that knew no bounds. They spark cherished memories, all filled with color and joy and it’s why they’ve come to be one of the flowers I always look forward to most. Their playfulness is captivating and warming!

Gaura lindheimeri

Gauras are deciduous perennials, with small flowers in white or pink, from summer to autumn

James Alexander Sinclair, BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine columnist

Everybody’s borders (even Monty Don’s) get scraggy sometimes and gaura is the perfect plant for filling a gap. Light and airy, long flowering and goes perfectly with most things – especially grasses: with grasses the match is as perfect as strawberries with cream or Robson with Jerome.

Calycanthus × Raulstonii ‘Hartlage Wine’

Carolina allspice is a hardy shrub, bearing cinnamon-scented leaves, with glorious autumn color

Chosen by Hazel Gardiner, floral designer

Used in our RHS Chelsea exhibit, Calycanthus × Raulstonii ‘Hartlage Wine’ will always have very special memories. It received lots of attention due to the combination of pleasing oval leaves and gorgeous burgundy flowers with a dash of white in the centre. The blooms have a light cinnamon fragrance, which also evokes memories of my Caribbean heritage.

Paeonia lactiflora ‘Sarah Bernhardt’

Paeonia ‘Sarah Bernhardt’ bears enormous, fragrant, double flowers. The stems may need staking

Chosen by Angelica Wilson, commerce & digital marketing executive

Although peonies don’t have the longest flowering period, I wouldn’t be without them, and excitedly look forward to ‘ the peony season’. One of my favourites is Sarah Bernhardt’, arguably one of the best varieties for cutting, with unassuming tight buds on tall stems opening into enormous, blousy pale-pink blooms with ruffled petals.

Sweet pea ‘High Scent’

Sweet peas will produce more flowers if you keep picking the blooms to stop them going to seed

Chosen by Emma Crawforth, horticultural editor

A great performer, that smells gorgeous and produces delightful blooms with a delicate picotee edge. As you would expect from the name, it is one of the most highly scented varieties available.

Jasminum officinale ‘Argenteovariegatum’

Jasminum ‘Argenteovariegatum’ grows quickly – ideal for covering a large south or west-facing wall

Chosen by Jaime Johnson, outdoor educator and blogger

The heady scent of jasmine is enough to transport me immediately to heaven – or at least to the bottom of the June garden, which certainly comes close. It’s got to be one of the best fragrances in the world, and the pollinators agree. This plant is versatile in the garden too; being excellent for hedging, screening or training over structures. Try Jasminum officinale ‘Argenteovariegatum’, for its grey-green and cream variegated leaves.

Nepeta racemosa ‘Walker’s Low’

Catmints add a gentle touch to cottage gardens. The leaves are used as a caterpillar food plant

Chosen by Louise Curley, author of The Cut Flower Patch

My garden wouldn’t feel like a garden if it wasn’t alive with wildlife, and Nepeta ‘Walker’s Low is one of the best plants to attract a range of different bees. It’s a ‘good doer’, tumbling over the edge of my raised beds from May to October.

Sisyrinchium striatum

Pale yellow-eyed grass bears fans strappy foliage, topped by clusters of yellow flowers in June-July

Chosen by Catherine Mansley, digital editor

If you want to fill a border with summer flowers cheaply, Sisyrinchium striatum is a great option. This fuss-free perennial seeds itself around very generously, and once you’ve planted it, you’ll find clumps of its sunny flower spikes popping up everywhere.


Heucheras make excellent ground cover plants and work well in pots. Also known as coral bells

Chosen by Jason Williams, creator of the Cloud Gardener blog

Heucheras are great for a shady balcony. One of my favourite is ‘Mega Caramel’ – the leaves dwarf a regular heuchera. The under leaf is purple, while on top a beautiful caramel color. From June it will send up spikes of white/pink flowers.

Persicaria bistorta ‘Superba’

Quick to spread, common bistort is ideal for using as ground cover, and its blooms are loved by bees

Chosen by Kevin Smith, editor

All common bistort needs is a bit of shade and soil that stays reasonably damp – beyond that’s it’s hassle free. Slug proof, easy to propagate and perfect for covering ground and keeping weeds at bay. I think the pink fluffy flowers look brill with ferns and hostas.

from BBC Gardeners World Magazine https://ift.tt/Ci9NwZ0

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