How to grow and care for a Portuguese laurel hedge

Portuguese laurel hedge. Getty Images

Portuguese laurel (Prunus lusitanica) is a beautiful evergreen shrub or small tree native to Portugal, Spain, and western France. It’s also known as the Portugal laurel, cherry bay or evergreen laurel and is an excellent choice for hedges in formal settings due to its attractive foliage, low-maintenance and ability to grow well in a variety of conditions. It has glossy, narrow, pointed leaves that grow on maroon-coloured stems, which develop their colouration as they mature. Small, fragrant white flowers appear in summer, which turn into small, shiny red fruits that mature to deep purple in autumn.

Portuguese laurel is similar to cherry laurel but its leaves are smaller and it has a more compact habit. Both are popular choices for garden hedges, but Portuguese laurel is often favoured due to its denser foliage, tolerance of a wider range of soils, and greater resistance to leaf spot disease.

Portuguese laurel has some benefits for wildlife, providing nesting habitat for birds, flowers for pollinators and berries for birds and small mammals.

It’s important to note that Portuguese laurel leaves and seeds contain toxic compounds and should not be ingested by humans or pets.

How to grow a Portuguese laurel hedge

Grow your Portuguese laurel hedge in moist, free-draining soils ranging from clay, loam, sandy and chalk. Select a sunny or partly shaded spot for your hedge and water regularly, especially during dry spells. Trim regularly to keep it in shape.

Where to grow a Portuguese laurel hedge

Pleached Portuguese laurel hedge as part of a garden border. Getty Images

Portuguese laurel can be grown in most areas of the UK, except in extremely cold, coastal or exposed locations. It is not considered invasive, but it is essential to allow enough space for the plant to grow and spread. Portuguese laurel has a shallow root system, so it is important to avoid planting it near buildings or structures where its roots could cause damage.

It can grow up to 15 meters tall and 10 meters wide, so it’s essential to allow enough space between plants and trim it regularly to keep its height under control.

How to plant a Portuguese laurel hedge

Container-grown plants can be planted at any time of the year with good growth results, (although avoid frozen ground). Bare-root plants should be planted from mid- to late-autumn. This timing allows the bare-root to develop before temperatures fall in winter.

When planting a Portuguese laurel hedge, space plants at least 60 cm apart to allow room for growth.

Before planting, prepare the soil by adding organic matter such as compost or well-rotted manure to improve drainage and fertility. Dig a hole slightly larger than the root ball of the plant, place the plant in the hole, and backfill with soil. Water thoroughly and apply a layer of mulch around the base of the plant to retain moisture and suppress weed growth. It’s important to keep the plants moist and fed until established.

How to care for Portuguese laurel

Portuguese laurel flowers. Getty Images

Portuguese laurel has shallow roots, which can dry out quickly, so water the plant regularly during dry spells and mulch around the base of the plants to retain moisture. However, it’s also important to not let the soil become waterlogged.

A relatively fast-growing plant, Portuguese laurel can form a hedge in as little as two to three years. Prune it regularly to keep it in shape, removing any dead or diseased branches and trimming back the tips of the branches.

How to prune Portuguese laurel

The best time to prune Portuguese laurel is in summer after the new growth has hardened off. This allows the plant to recover quickly and promotes dense foliage. However, bear in mind that birds may be nesting in the hedge and it’s therefore best to wait until September unless the hedge is small and you can check it thoroughly before pruning.

When pruning, use sharp, clean tools and make cuts just above a leaf or bud. If the plant has become overgrown or misshapen, it can be hard pruned, although this may result in a period of slower growth while the plant recovers.
Wear gloves and protective clothing when pruning Portuguese laurel, as the leaves, branches and fruits contain toxic compounds that can cause skin irritation or respiratory issues. Avoid burning Portuguese laurel trimmings, as the smoke can be toxic. Instead, dispose of the trimmings in a safe and responsible manner, such as through home composting or your green waste collection.

How to propagate Portuguese laurel

Portuguese laurel berries. Getty Images

Portuguese laurel can be propagated through several methods, including from cuttings, by layering, and sowing seed.
For cuttings, take semi-hardwood cuttings in late summer or early autumn and root them in a mixture of perlite and gritty/cuttings compost.

To propagate by layering, bend a low-hanging branch to the ground and pin it down with a brick or metal pegs. Cover the section with soil or compost. After several months, roots will form, and the new plant can be separated from the parent plant.

To propagate Portuguese from seed, collect berries in autumn, remove the fleshy outer layer and plant the seeds in a free-draining soil mixture. Keep these outside in a cold frame throughout winter, as they need a period of cold (known as ‘stratification’) for the seeds to germinate. With luck you should notice young shoots appearing in spring.

Pests and diseases

  • Prunus ringspot virus causes a wide range of foliar symptoms, with leaf patterns that include spots, rings, bands and mosaics. Advanced disease stages may stunt tree growth, although viruses rarely cause tree death
  • Shot hole disease is a fungal disease that appears as small holes in the leaves and can cause defoliation if left untreated. To prevent it, avoid overhead watering, prune out and destroy infected branches
  • Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that causes a white powdery coating on leaves. Try making an organic fungicide by blending two bulbs of garlic with one litre of water, strain the mixture. Regularly spray the solution on the affected plants to treat powdery mildew.
  • Vine weevil make notches on leaf edges and their larvae eat plant roots, causing wilting or stunted growth. They can be eradicated using nematodes as a biological control
  • Leaf-mining moths lay their eggs on the leaves of plants, and their larvae tunnel into the leaves, causing damage and leaving a visible trail of feeding marks or tunnels. These rarely harm the plant but if you can remove and destroy  affected leaves if you want to
  • Leaf spot is a fungal disease that causes brown spots on the leaves and can lead to defoliation. To prevent it, avoid overhead watering and prune out and destroy infected branches

Advice on buying Portuguese laurel

  • Always choose healthy, disease-free specimens from a reputable supplier. Look for plants with full, glossy foliage and sturdy stems
  • If possible, select plants that have been grown in the UK, as those grown abroad may be carrying potential plant pathogens currently not prevalent in the UK

Where to buy Portuguese laurel

Portuguese laurel varieties

Prunus lusitanica – a large evergreen shrub or small tree with shiny dark green leaves on dark red stems. Small white flowers in summer followed by red-purple fruits. Height x Spread: 15m x 10m

Prunus lusitanica ‘Angustifolia’ – a more compact and elegant form with narrower leaves and smaller flowers and fruits. H x S: 10m x 8m

Prunus lusitanica ‘Variegata’ – a striking variety with creamy-white margins on the leaves. H x S: 8m x 6m

from BBC Gardeners World Magazine